We are a traditional family business. Responsible conduct as “ordinary businesspeople” is therefore firmly rooted in our self-image. INTEGRIS is an essential part of this understanding and commitment. With INTEGRIS, you can point out any wrongdoings or irregular behaviour and activities while maintaining confidentiality.
You can use INTEGRIS to report violations of the law such as corruptions, money laundering or fraud, #metoo incidents or serious rule violations that are directly or indirectly related to our company. In the FAQs, we have provided examples of violations that you may wish to report on INTEGRIS, as well as examples of cases that should not be reported via INTEGRIS, since we have already set up other reporting channels for this. For example, our internal audit is responsible for cases of theft and can be contacted via the established channels you are familiar with.
INTEGRIS guarantees the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers, affected persons and employees who are involved in investigating reported misconduct. We assure you that all matters you report via this portal will be treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality; anonymous reports and communication is possible.
We have set up a reporting centre in each EU country where we also have branches and sales stores, which can be accessed via the following link:
The postal address of our reporting office in the respective country can be found in the imprint at the bottom of the website if you follow the link.